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Biomechanical Assessment

Gait Analysis, Heel Pain and Musculoskeletal Conditions, Sports and Running Injuries.



Biomechanics is an area of podiatry that specialises in preventing, diagnosing and treating injuries of joints or muscles caused by the way we stand, walk and run (known as gait).

A biomechanical analysis is not focused simply on the foot but includes the pelvis, legs and knees, assessing the relationship between them. It is important to examine the lower limbs as a whole because they are closely connected and pain in one area can be due to a weakness or structural problem in another area.


There are a number of conditions that gait analysis may help in the diagnosis of:

  • Shin splints

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Metatarsalgia

  • Runners knee/knee pain

  • Limb length discrepancies

Patients often come to us last, after seeing a GP and a physiotherapist, particularly if the pain is in the lower limbs rather than the foot. A biomechanical assessment provides a comprehensive understanding of any underlying problems in the lower limbs and should be the first step.

A biomechanical assessment is very beneficial if you are experiencing pain in your feet or lower limbs but no cause has been established. A biomechanical assessment is the starting point for understanding the cause of your problem, what treatment is needed or whether further investigations are necessary.


There are many different types of recommended treatments following a biomechanical assessment, depending upon the results of the assessment. For people who have good structural foot mechanics, we will advise on the best footwear in order to reduce the risk of foot problems. Simple changes such as wearing trainers designed for your gait or wearing insoles can be very effective.

If we believe that your mechanics could be contributing to your injury or pain, insoles or custom made orthotics may be prescribed.

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